Personal Security
Queclink’s personal communication and tracking products are used by major network operators and service providers in the Americas and Europe. Our devices are utilized to protect a wide range of vulnerable groups, including security guards, postal workers, athletes, victims of domestic violence and the elderly.
Related Success Stories
Queclink’s School Bus Tracking Solution Secures Student Safety on the Move
Queclink’s GV350MG tracks school buses and updates data in real-time, protecting students from potential hazards and risks.
Queclink Enables Safe and Efficient Operations in Antarctica
How Queclink’s GV300W and GL300W help optimize critical operations and make tasks safer in the extreme weather conditions at the South Pole.
How GPS Live Tracking Supports Lachlan Morton’s Tour de France Alt Tour
Follow My Challenge chose the Queclink’s GL300 series for this specific challenge mainly because of its capability to use the LTE-M network in France.
Increased Visibility Brings More Engagement to Open Water Swimming
Queclink and Follow My Challenge’s solution has greatly made it more enjoyable for audiences with an added layer of all parties’ safety.
Real-Time Tracking Brings Visibility and Value to Hard-to-Follow Sports
TracTrac and Queclink deliver live GPS tracking solutions based on the GL300 series and bring much-needed visibility to hard-to-follow sports.
Queclink’s GL300 safeguard participants in hiking sports
The GL300, Queclink’s market-proven advanced real-time asset tracker, is utilized in a hiking race in Europe. It proves effective and reliable in monitoring and protecting participants.